Ahhhhh, the sun is shining and the snow is melting. Spring is here - today! Of course we still may have a snowstorm or two yet but I'm trying to be optimistic.
Well, Lindsay started walking 2 weeks ago. I was off skating and my parents were looking after her and she decided to get up and walk! 11 months and 1 day to be exact. I can't believe that my baby will be 1 year old in 2 weeks! This has been the fastest year of my life. Where did it go? I wish the government would pay my to stay home for another year but that won't be happening anytime soon.
Lindsay went to the sitter's for the very first time. I think that she did good, I think it helped that there was 2 other kids there waiting for Lindsay to come over. Of course she wouldn't take a bottle from Debbie but sucked it dry as soon as we got in the car. She won't hold her bottle by herself but will hold her sippy cup?! I think she must see her bottle as our cuddle time. We thought she would fall asleep on the way home since she seemed really tired and hadn't napped, but she caught a second wind, ate lunch, played for a while then I took her to have a nap. I had to lie down with her, but she fell asleep really fast! (and that is how I'm doing this now!!)
The poor little girl was sick last week with a bug of some kind. I have seen more diarrhea in the last week than I have in a long time - even the dog had diarrhea!but now everyone seems to be feeling better.
We also got a new cat about 3 weeks ago. He is a brown tabby named Squiggy. Sqiq and Linds are about the same age, it's funny to watch them play together. Squig will put his paws (sans claws) on her head or they share toys and they even share a bed, But not at the same time. Yup it's just a regular circus around here some days!
So if Lindsay is turning 1 that must mean that...UG! I have to go back to work! April the 16th is the lucky (for them) or unlucky (for me) day. The good thing is that I am at work for about a month then I have a week off for holidays!Our sitter is going away for a week so I though I could use a break from work by then.
Other than the above mentioned news, there is not much else to report.