Monday, January 15, 2007

Now What?

Well, I was told I had to keep this up better, not quite those words, but I got the drift (Happy now Dave?) We are moved in and pretty well settled, ugly paint is gone. I got good news, the place that my friend sends her kids to daycare - had a spot open up so we are in!! Yay! One less thing to worry about. Well, except that just worrying that Linds will get along with her and the other kids, but I'm pretty confident that that will not be a problem. Lindsay is quite the social butterfly. We had friends ( Vince and Kirsten and kids) over on the weekend, who, before she used to cry and scream in their presence. This was bad because they are looking after her when we go to the tragically Hip concert next Thursday, but luckily for them she was going to be asleep before we went. But we gave it another try and after an initial boo hoo her and Vince were playing on the couch for quite a while - so they are fast friends now.
We had the annual Rebecca Run kick-off again this year. It is so great to get together before the actual meeting and have lunch with the other families. Unfortunately the group keeps getting bigger every year - I say unfortunately because this means that another family has been affected by SMA. This year Boris and Scarlett were new to the group. Their little girl Sonja was here only 35 minutes! She is so beautiful! They are such nice people. It just breaks my heart every time I hear of another child or family that has to deal with SMA. It is not fair. This disease should just go away - its just so cruel. But I am honoured to be a part of this group of families. It is the one group where you can talk openly, because the others have been there, so it is a comforting place to be. Another note, Dave and Jennifer are getting closer to getting their little baby from China. Hopefully they get her/him BEFORE the Rebecca Run, I'm getting anxious (yeah, me) I want them to get her NOW! (Imagine what they feel). I can't believe that it is almost been 3 years since Jamie has died. It seems like a lifetime ago. We are fortunate that our lives have taken a 180 degree turn in the last year. We have been blessed with a healthy, VERY busy girl, we have a new house, and life is generally good - it is - We finally have snow!!!!
Speaking of Lindsay, she is doing great. Still waiting for that 4Th tooth, she is crawling like a monster, she is starting to cruise, pulls herself up everywhere. OH yes...we had our first toys in the toilet day today! I was having a shower with her in the room. I forgot to put the seat down and when I peaked out, because it was a little too quiet, there she was looking into the toilet with a bunch of toilet paper in one hand and a big grin on her face. It was cute I have to admit.
Well, I am going to bed, had a rough game of soccer last night and I keep finding more bruises! I also have had 2 late nights in a row- I need my beauty sleep, at least enough to keep the bags from getting bigger!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

much happier now LOL!! Love to see how The family is doing and to read about the adventures of miss Lindsay. Keep up the good work.